During a recent trip to the Canada Science and Technology Museum, we had the pleasure of exploring their latest event; Exploratek Doctor Who Weekend. This is where we learned how to make a Dalek DIY style.
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First off, what is a Dalek?
If you aren’t familiar with BBC’s Doctor Who, these creatures make look a little odd, and the least intimidating alien you have ever seen. A Whovian would beg to differ. Daleks are an extremely advanced alien race bent on the utter annihilation of anything that isn’t a Dalek. It’s fundamentally engraved into their being to hate anything less than perfection, which they themselves personify.
Why would I want to make a Dalek? Because it is also one of the easiest aliens to recreate from home.
What do you need to make a Dalek?
Model Magic
Plastic Party Cups
LED light
Button cell battery
Circle stickers
Cardboard cutouts
Electrical tape
Hot glue gun
Sticky tape
The night before, take your Model Magic and mold it into a hollowed out dome. This will act as the Dalek’s head.
Once dry, it is time to assemble the Dalek’s eye. Take a plastic straw and cut it about 2.5 inches long. Place the LED light into the straw and secure it with electrical tape. Stick this into your Dalek head. Place the battery between the two leads and secure with electrical tape. Feel free to hot-glue the outside of the head to the straw for an extra secure fit.
Glue the head to the bottom of the cup. Now you have a Dalek body. Cut out a “whisk” and “plunger” shape from the cardboard to act as the Dalek’s arms. This will be taped to the cup.
Sticker the body any way the kids feel necessary. The more, the merrier.
During our tour, we were allowed to battle our Daleks.
The museum provided a handful of Sphero balls and tablets for the children, and children at heart, to run their Daleks around the board.
This quick DIY craft is more than enough to keep the children entertained for a few hours. Not only will they love putting it together, but battling after the fact is always a great way to bond as a family.
When you are done playing, flip over the cup and enjoy a bowl of popcorn while you catch up with the latest episode. Stream it free on Space.ca
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