When taking the kids on a ride longer than 20 min, we need to keep the little ones occupied long enough to reach our destination. Distractivities for kids!
What is a distractivity anyway?
A distractivity is an activity that distracts your little ones from the pain and suffering that is “the waiting game”. Be it in a line for an attraction at Disney Land, or making the long journey by plane/road trip to your next destination, kids get bored and they DEMAND you do something about it IMMEDIATELY. I have made my list of top Distractivities for kids based on the last 2 years worth of traveling with kids aged 2 weeks to 5 years old.
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Distractivities for kids
Unless your kid gets super annoyed at not finding it right away, like my son when he was 3, then any I SPY or Where’s Waldo can keep them occupied for a good 1 hour per book. However, they need to be able to sit patiently and look carefully without asking you for help solving the puzzle after 5 minutes of looking.
Oh Color Wonder, where have you been all of my life? If you don’t what these are, they are a God send. Basically, they are markers like any other markers – specific coloured crayons create that colour on the paper, however, this is the great part… it only works on that paper!!! You’re kid could paint the car, their clothes, anything, and not make a mark on any of it.
Though, mine did figure out that once he marks all over his hands then smashes his hands onto the paper, there is a Munchkin-sized hand-print on Doc McStuffin’s face, but that’s part of his artistic expression and whatnot. Either way, it’s not on his clothes or my car. And it’s Crayola, so I don’t mind letting Baby Girl colour along too.
This little guy is old as day and is still required on every road trip. Turn any sitting position into a work station! Colouring, writing, building, eating; anything they want now has a flat and sturdy surface. While this may not be an activity in itself, the lap desk will open the fold-gates to a wide range of activities that I haven’t even thought of yet.
Aqua doodle to the rescue. Another no-mess solution to traveling with little ones. Simply add water to the pen, and voila, instant drawing. It comes with a handy handle so they can carry it around themselves; just tell them they aren’t allowed to hold it and watch them demand to carry it themselves every time – works without fail. Replacement pens are only $4 each, especially when the little one insists on getting her daily water intake from sucking on the pen.
Scavenger hunt – why not spend a hour or two staring out the window, looking for items to check off the list. When I was younger, I spent a whole road trip looking for a pet Brown Bear to take home with me, and coming up with clever names to give him. If that doesn’t keep your kids attention, then this will! Everyone wants to clear the list before little sister clears hers, it’s in our nature.
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