Port Grimaud on the French Riviera in France is home to many tourists, boating companies and markets. There is a reason it is called Little Venice. I believe it.
The Artificial Port
While on vacation, we decided to take a few day trips around the area; notable to St Maxime and Grimaud Village. There is something is something to be said, however, for having a lazy day at the market, and just relaxing on the beach. That was this day; we walked across the resort and found beautiful Port Grimaud, and the wonderful things she had to offer.
Port Grimaud itself is an artificial town created by architect François Spoerry in the 1960’s, in order to create more ports for tourist boats and accommodate more people, away from neighboring St. Tropez. Because of this, many of the local towns look down on Port Grimaud. I, for one, don’t see the problem, but who am I anyways.

The town is walled, manned by security 24/7 and is privately owned. From any entrance, turning left would send you to the Capitainnaire (Harbourmaster) and Les Bateaux Verts launch, which is where we catch the ferries to various day trips, like St Maxime and St Tropez. Turning right takes your right into the heart of the city. The square, surrounded by local shops, has markets on Sundays and Thursdays. We stopped here for breakfast while waiting for the market to open (9 am). I am happy that we arrived so early; it didn’t take long for the area to get busy and overcrowded – this was around the time we left to take the kids home for an overdue nap. Here they sold soaps, towels, bathing suits and jewelry. Across the bridge was the second part of the market and “mall”.

The market had many fruit, cheese and sausage stales. It also had many clothing booths; they only take cash and cheque, good thing they don’t take Visa or I could have been in trouble.

There is a canal cruise, very short, that took us around the port. It was a nice, relaxing time where the munchkin could look off the sides, point to all the boats and baby girl could sleep her troubles away. We didn’t do much today, just relaxed, shopped and walked around. And, as usual, the beach was our final destination.

The architecture was definitely different. Shapes and colors and just overall designs that I hadn’t seen anywhere else.

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